Pastor Chuck’s Corner:

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 (NIV)

I do love the summertime, but I also greet September this year with joy and excitement (and not just for football!) because it marks the beginning of a new season of Faith Foundation at St. Mark’s.

We are blessed as a church to have Team Quimby (Lea Ann, Jon, Hannah and Lexi) leading our Sunday morning classes for our young ones. An entire curriculum has been selected for 2024-25 and a considerable amount of work has gone into freshening up the space. I ask you to be intentional in your prayers for all our teachers, volunteers and of course, the little ones who will be participating.

Now, if you would re-read the words of Jesus at the top, you can see why this is such and exciting and important time in the life of St. Mark’s. The Lord’s own words demonstrate his love, care and interest in the young.

Thinking about what he has said, it seems obvious that we would want the children to have clear access to Jesus. In a world that can be as troubled as ours, allowing and helping these precious ones to come to know that God loves them is of paramount importance.

And most certainly, none of us would ever intentionally hinder a child in their spiritual and faith growth. At the same time, however, let’s be equally sure that we don’t unintentionally put up any barriers either.

What might an unintentional hindrance be? Specifically, I think the most common one might be not using your gifts or time to be an active participant in the Sunday morning time with the children.

I do not mean to suggest an every class type of commitment. But perhaps you have an interest in reading the children a story as part of that days lesson? Maybe you have a craft you could share with them. Really, the possibilities are wide open. Please see Lea Ann or me for more details on how to actively participate this year.

I ask all of us, as we acknowledge the vital importance of our youngsters, to prayerfully consider ways you can personally help this year’s Faith Foundation be a huge success for the benefit of the children and to the glory of God.

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Pastor Chuck


Council Corner: September 2024


September Newsletter