9:30 am Sunday Worship
All Are Welcome
St. Mark's celebrates Holy Communion at all services with rare exception. All are invited to take part in communion. Children who have not yet communed are invited to come forward to receive a blessing.
Sunday 9:30 AM Worship Service
Our 9:30 AM worship service is a traditional Lutheran service held in the Sanctuary. The service is characterized by a traditional atmosphere for worship which includes sung and spoken liturgy and settings using the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal. The music covers a broad spectrum of styles and genres which includes liturgical/classical and modern styles on the pipe organ and piano; and vocal/instrumental solos and ensembles. Our church building is ADA accessible, and the church has an AED onsite.
Sunday Worship
Live on Zoom and Facebook
Unable to attend our worship services in person?
Join us live on Zoom or on Facebook - every Sunday at 9:30 am.