Pastor Chuck’s Corner: Gone Too Soon

On Saturday June 29th, St. Mark’s hosted a memorial service for the Reverend Doctor David Roppel, the longest tenured pastor this church has ever had. It was a wonderfully fitting send-off for a dedicated and devoted man of God.

I extend my sincerest thanks to Bishop Lee Miller II for presiding at the service and delivering such a meaningful homily. Deep gratitude also goes to Julie and David Grindle: Julie for her inspired playing of the organ during the service and David for leading us in the hymns. I am especially grateful that the Grindles had time to plan the service with Dave after he was home.

Once again the heart of the St. Mark’s congregation was on full display as well. My personal thanks to all of you who helped in so many ways. The hospitality did not go unnoticed by those in attendance. Though the list of all the names who helped would take up the rest of this piece, I do want to give a huge thank you to Nancy and Rod Kellar for their tremendous care in making this all come together.

I’d like to give one more big thank you as well: to Pastor Dave Roppel himself. Though I only had the privilege of knowing him for 3 years, he made me feel as if we had been life-long friends. I will not soon forget our conversations, which were as wide-ranging and thought provoking (at least for me) as they could have been. I will miss my friend.

But Pastor Dave will live on in the countless hearts and lives he touched. His legacy will be even more far-reaching than his earthly ministry was. And that sure covered many miles!

I would leave you with one request, my beloved siblings in Christ. The request is actually two-fold: one is to continue to be praying for Becky, the kids, and grandkids as they begin navigating this chapter of life without Dave.

Secondly, in honor of Dave’s tremendous legacy, please give some thought to your own. If we all could, at least in some small way, care for others a little more deeply and joyfully cherish our families as Dave did his, his memory will live on and the world will be made a better place.

Be Blessed & Be a Blessing,

Pastor Chuck


Council Corner: July 2024


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