Pastor Chuck’s Corner: Given and For You
There is little doubt in my heart or mind that those four words are the most profound ever spoken. The context is Jesus’ institution of the Lord’s Supper:
“Then he took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you.” And he did the same with the cup after supper, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.”
I know I say it often, but I’ll say it again anyway, celebrating the Lord’s Supper is the high point of the worship experience every week. It is our weekly reminder of the incredible power, love and mercy of the God we gather to worship.
It is also tangible. Though it will remain a mystery this side of heaven, God is present, as Luther said, “in, with and under” the bread and cup. This informs us that as powerful as the symbolism alone would be concerning the Lord’s Supper, it is to be known as more than simply symbolic.
As you contemplate this, it is my hope that it will cause an even deeper stirring in your heart that this meal is given to each one of us, personally. God Almighty, Creator and Savior of the world, has made it possible that we can, both in our spirit and with our senses, know the real presence of God.
Since the Covid-19 epidemic and the subsequent development of worship online, the question has come up about how or if the Lord’s Supper could be celebrated by those who join worship through Zoom or Facebook live. The primary sticking point has been that this meal is meant to be shared in the community of faith.
Though I understand the difference between being physically present and worshiping on-line, what moves my heart that God is present in the meal, when properly instituted, wherever it is taken.
Therefore, I will be inviting those who worship via zoom or Facebook live to participate in the Lord’s Supper each Sunday. My only request of those folks is that they intentionally prepare and set aside what they will use for the elements so that as I speak the words of institution over the meal, theirs will be included as well.
It is my intention to begin this practice on the first Sunday of April in hopes that we all can continue to grow in our faith as we joyfully go through the season of Easter and beyond.
Be Blessed & Be a Blessing,
Pastor Chuck