Council Corner: April 2024

Have you ever wondered what being a council member entails?

According to our Constitution; the Congregation Council shall have general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation, and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. As well as, be responsible for the financial and property matters of this congregation.

That’s the general charge for us who say “Yes” when asked to join the Congregation Council here at St. Mark’s, but what is the nitty-gritty of being a council member? Let me share some of the basics with you.

Constitutionally, Council consists of 8-12 members, not including the Pastor. You may be asked to fill a 1, 2, or 3 year term as a member. This flexibility allows us to fill unexpected vacancies and keep an even balance of members between terms ending and terms beginning.

Council meets monthly for approximately 2 hours, usually 7-9pm. Currently, hybrid meetings (in-person/Zoom) are offered. There may be a need for special meetings throughout the year depending on the work before us.

Each new Council decides which day of the month works best for the whole group to gather.

Meetings are conducted following Robert’s Rules of Order.

Currently, Council members each take a turn leading a simple devotion to begin our time together.

As a Council member, you’ll be asked to be a liaison to an active committee. This allows for smooth communication and information sharing between Council and the ministries of the church.

You’re involved in a lot of prayerful discussions and decision making.

So, why should YOU say “yes” if asked to be a council member? Say yes because you want to see St. Mark’s continue to thrive. Say yes because you want to be a part of the visioning and moving us into the future. Say yes because you believe that the work…God’s work…we do for and in our communities is our calling.

Say yes because you believe in living our mission to

Follow Jesus ~ Embrace All ~ Serve Neighbors

Denise Ballou
Council President


Pastor Chuck on SoundCloud: Jesus is the Best Shepherd!


Pastor Chuck’s Corner: Given and For You