Pastor Chuck’s Corner: December

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

(Isaiah 43:19)

December brings with it the end of the calendar year. Many folks, for various reasons, will be glad to see this one go. Our world has seen tremendous challenges. Those happily bidding farewell to 2024 no doubt hope for a degree of calmness in the year to come.

For the church, December carries a much different meaning. This month is the beginning of the new church year. I pray that as we venture forward together, God’s abundant blessings will be shown to us all.

As we are at a point where old meets new, I bring your attention to the verse at the top. In it, God spoke through the Prophet Isaiah words of encouragement. May we find comfort in them as well.

To help us to do this, allow me to review some of the ‘new things’ God has provided St. Mark’s during 2024:

A new HVAC system for the entire building, made possible through the careful management of the financial gift left by Mary Smith

New windows in the library, nursery and Music Ministry Director’s office

A new Director of Music Ministry as Josh Symborski began in July

A new Office Manager: Connie Ward began in June

The Blue Bird Music and You organization began renting space in September (and will continue into 2025)

Though these new things are wonderful, this is also a good time to remember the on-going ministries that continue to thrive at St. Mark’s:

Outreach continues to provide meals and laundry assistance to many

GWOH remains active in sharing God’s love with the world around us

Tuesday morning Bible study continues to flourish and grow

Children’s Ministry/Faith Foundation continues to help our young one’s learn of God’s love (Thank You Team Quimby for your dedication to this program)

For these new things and people and the established ministries of St. Mark’s we thank God and ask that through the Holy Spirit they may continue to be a positive influence on this church and our community.

Lastly, I thank you all for the privilege of being Pastor of St. Mark’s during the past year. I deeply appreciate all your help as well as the love and kindness you freely extend to me and my family. I am truly blessed to be a part of this church.

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Pastor Chuck


Council Corner: December 2024


December Newsletter