Pastor Chuck’s Corner:
Jesus said to them, “Come away to a deserted place and rest for a while.”
A recent survey revealed that over 42% of Americans will take a vacation between May and August of this year. I wonder how many of them realize they are being obedient to Jesus as they do!
The above quote comes from a time when Jesus’ ministry was growing rapidly. It was more than the 12 original disciples could possibly keep up with. Hence, the wisdom of Jesus comes through as he tells them it is time to take a break.
From taking a break from a hectic life with many responsibilities to just wanting to see something different for a few days, the wisdom is still there.
August is typically the zenith of vacation time and if you are going (or are already) to take one, I pray refreshing rest and plenty of laughter accompany you and your family.
Getting rest is always important and at St. Mark’s it may just be doubly so this year! There are some very exciting things on our horizon, particularly with our school age kids.
Lea Ann Quimby, with excellent help from Jon, Hannah and Lexi, are getting a new Sunday School curriculum in place. There will be lots of inter-active fun and learning. In conjunction with what our littles will be learning, a monthly “Kid’s Sermon” will again be part of our Sunday worship at St. Mark’s.
So rest up well, my siblings in Christ. We will be looking for many hands to make these plans come to the best possible result. Please, for more info or with any questions, reach out to Lea Ann or to me. We will be happy to invite you to the fun.
Be Blessed & Be a Blessing,
Pastor Chuck