Council Corner: October 2024
The majority of our September meeting was spent discussing the recommendations made to us by our Audit Committee. Sean Becker, Lori Honan, and Sandy Lamb volunteered for the task and have given Council some valuable suggestions. We thank them for sharing their time and talents. A summary report will be included at our annual meeting.
Speaking of our annual meeting….your attendance is important to us! It’s at this meeting we hear about all of the wonderful things that are happening here at St. Mark’s…how our property committee continues to watch over our building and grounds, the outreach ministries that make a difference in our community, the meaningful worship opportunities provided by our worship and music committee, and the generosity around our finances. However, we also hear about any struggles we are faced with so we can resolve them together.
We’ll need to take care of some important business that will require a congregational vote. Our current Constitution is very old so we’ll be looking at adopting a proposed ELCA modeled Constitution and, as always, we’ll be looking to approve a budget for 2025. Again this year, there will be both a line item and a narrative budget for you.
We need your input on the life, ministries and finances of St. Mark’s and how we continue to move into the future. Please plan to attend this very important time together.
Denise Ballou
Council President/Outreach Committee