Council Corner: November 2024

It took Council members two meetings in October to finalize a proposed budget for 2025. Council members received an initial budget, put together by our finance committee, based on input from all other committees here at St. Mark’s. Thanks to all who submitted budget requests in a timely manner.

You can be assured that the leadership of St. Mark’s have the best interests of our congregation and our community in the forefront of all discussions (both the income side of the budget and the expense side), making sure we are being good stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. There were discussions and some disagreements…as we asked each other. “What is it God wants for us?”…and we prayed over every single decision made around our 2025 budget.

This will be a budget that will allow us to continue to do God’s Work with Our Hands in our community. It’s a budget that will reflect a fair compensation package for our Pastor based on recommendations from our Synod and a fair wage for all of our employees here at St. Mark’s. It’s a budget that allows us to maintain our building. And, it’s a budget that will reflect our income resources and how close they come to balancing out our expenses.

Scripture tells us that God will provide for us and we’ve seen it time and time again here at St. Mark’s. As we walk in faith into 2025, I ask that you prayerfully consider your vote around all items presented at our annual meeting on Sunday, November 24; immediately following worship.

Denise Ballou

Council President/Outreach Committee


November Newsletter


Pastor Chuck’s Corner: November