Council Corner: February 2025
We celebrated the installation of our Council members for 2025 during worship on January 26. We’re grateful for those who take a leadership role in dealing with the business side of the church…all while keeping everything we discuss and do Christ centered.
During our January meeting, Pastor Chuck shared a devotion around Isaiah 43:18 & 19… “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands. (The Message). While I realize it’s important to remember the rich history of St. Mark’s, we are also called to be alert and in the present because God is always leading us to new things. Always…all ways.
Each month during Council meetings we hear from committees who update us on the work they do, we hear about our finances, and we hear from our Pastor. In addition to this “regular business,” in 2025, we’ll be considering what new thing(s) we are being called to do and be in our community. What are the present need(s) in our congregation? What are the present wants? Hopes? Dreams?
I invite all of us, as a congregation, to consider answers to those questions. Council would love for you to share your thoughts with us. You can leave a note in my mailbox at church, email me at or speak to Pastor.
Let’s open our hearts and minds to new things.
Denise Ballou
Council President